I don’t know if you ever do this, but I bring something back home with me when I travel. I don’t mean a kitchen towel with ‘Beach’ printed in aqua and lime green. Or even a t-shirt, for that matter.

I always bring home a piece of the local culture. In my heart.

When I’m traveling, I briefly think, “I could live here.” You know, just for a year, or long enough to get a REAL taste of the local culture? To disappear into the place and become a part of it. To learn and truly ‘live the place.’

Years ago, when I returned from a week-long vacation in California, I came home and wanted to eat sprouts, drink soy milk lattes, and do yoga. I also called the staff at our local YMCA and got the names of two books about meditation and life enrichment.

palm springs alicia bruce
© 2022 Alicia Bruce

Travel is an enriching experience because of that very reason.

It expands our lives and makes them fuller; we learn something new and gain a different perspective. After traveling, we return home with a part of us that is a little different, making us more dimensional and interesting.

When I returned from Paris in my twenties, I drank thick black coffee with steaming milk and croissants. For months. I still drink my coffee that way.

My parents used to live near Steamboat Springs, Colorado. When I visited, my dad and I would ski, sit in a rustic little ski resort restaurant bar, and drink a local brew. I was ready to spend the winter there. I’m not a good enough skier to be an instructor, but I could surely wait tables….

Our family loves to travel to New York City at Christmas time. I am always amazed at the energy that the city gives me. It’s so full of life that you can’t help but start walking faster. A taste of life in the city, and I come home energized and ready to conquer the world.

Somehow travel makes us feel a little less self-important, broadens our horizons and our point of view, making us realize that not everyone and every place is the same.

It brings the world a little closer together too.

Want to read more about travel?   Or see the 'America the Beautiful' art inspired by travel?

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